So Calvin is now one month old... Sam seems to be adjusting well but there are some hick-ups. He really loves his baby brother, almost too much at times. He will try to rock him in his swing... maybe a bit on the hard side... my favorite part is that if I tell him to be gentle and soft he will continue to rock just as hard but say "soft, soft, soft" while doing so. It is quite funny but we can't let Sam see that. He also will try to pick up Calvin any chance he gets. It is very scary for me but really cute at the same time. He loves to point out his eyes (well really try to poke out his eyes but he does that with Brad and I also) He will also bring the baby his soother (pacifier for you Americans) and force the baby to take it. He also loves to feed him his bottle... It is all very sweet really! But onto the hick-ups..... I do laundry every day... now I know that most households have a full load everyday but I'm washing the same load everyday! Sam for some reason will un-zip or take off his bottoms of his pajamas and undo his diaper and pee in his crib. He will do it every night but if he has sweats on for his nap he will do it also. This leads to full on temper tantrums in front of the washing machine... There is stomping and growling and screaming and crying for the precious blankies! The whole thing is very frustrating for me because he doesn't even try to undo his diaper when he is up. I guess it is just time to start potty training him but I don't know if it will change anything at night. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it will all work out well! Sam also seems to think that he should get to nurse when Calvin is. It makes things a little hard when I'm trying to keep the baby eating and keep Sam at an arms length away. There are a few more hick-ups but I'm sure that we will get them all ironed out with in the next few weeks and months. All we can do is pray and keep the washing machine going!!