Friday, September 7, 2012

Evie turns 2!!!

My baby girl is growing up so fast!!  Evie turned 2 this week!  She is a silly crazy sweet little girl and we all love her to bits!!  When it comes to Miss Evie I think Shakespeare summed her up best
                                   "And though she be but little, She is fierce."

Happy Birthday Sweet Girl!!!!!!!!!  We love you!!!!!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Sam's first day of School!!!

Well as crazy as it is for me to think that I could have a school aged child the day has come!  Today is Sam's first day of kindergarten!  He has been getting more and more excited about it and did great today.  We made sure to not make a huge deal yesterday so that he would be able to sleep last night, because Christmas Eve he stays up till 3am, and low and behold he was asleep before 9:30!  He even told Brad that he could leave the room because he was a big 5 year old that goes to school!  He got up and dressed,fed, ready and all of us out the door by 8am and we don't even have to get to school until 8:35 so we took our time walking and even ran around at the park before heading to school.  He did so good!  He waited in line with all the other kids in his class.  He was so excited to get to hang his back pack up in his cubby and find his seat with his name tag.  He didn't even want to come give me a hug and I had to go to his desk to get a hug and kiss goodbye!   Calvin and Evie are a lot calmer then I thought they would be and I can't believe how quieter it is around the house with him gone!  Lets hope that his good mood about school, the other's happy and calm moods last and that I might find some sanity that I have been missing when you have 3 in under 4 years!!