Calvin is growing like a weed! I just packed up all of the little baby clothes and I couldn't believe how tiny they look compared to him. He was weighed just this last week and is at 16 lbs. He is such a happy little guy. He talks all day long and thinks that Sam is the funniest guy around. They will just sit and laugh at each other for most of the day. He is rolling over and pretty much rolls anywhere he would want to be.... like if he sees a piece of paper on the floor. He will roll over all of his toys that are around him to get to that paper! It is always so funny what kids love to play with. He is able to sit alone for almost a minute now and will sit for a few more with pillows around him. He isn't crawling yet but he seems to be getting closer to it every day. He really wants to chase after Sam so I don't think it will be much longer! This last week has been a long one for poor baby Calvin... He has always been a really congested sounding baby and this last week it has been bad. We have been to the Dr office 3 times already and head out again tomorrow. He is getting a breathing treatment every 4-6 hrs but they don't really seem to be helping a lot. He also had to get some chest x-rays done but they came back clean so no risk of pneumonia. I hope that we will be able to find out what is wrong and that we will get it all fixed up. It doesn't seem to get his spirits down at all and he is very happy and smiley to everyone!
Our camera is dead so I have had to resort back to Ol' Crappy that seems to be pretty indestructible but for every good picture there are about 10 craptastic ones so it really gets on my nerves to say the least but here are a few of the nice pictures of the boys!