On the 14
th I turned the big 25... yep I'm a quarter! It was a nice day! It started out the best way for me. Brad had the day off so I got to sleep in! Somehow he even kept Sam in the living room so I didn't have any knocking and crying outside my door! Once I got up and had a nice long shower(again without knocking and crying... How did he do it?) I got to open my gifts! I got The Curious Case of Benjamin Button and a new work out that I have wanted from the time I saw the first infomercial!
Here are my gifts with Brads wrap job See how happy we all are...

Except Calvin... He got to tired and fell asleep.

After present time we dropped the boys off at grandmas and we headed out on a date! We went to
Bellevue for my favorite...Sushi!

We love this place!!

Yes Brad is doing a very bad Asian face.... He is so bad!!!!!

They have a little conveyor belt that the food rides on and we just pick up whatever looks good!

We ate like pigs and had a nice stack of plates at the end. After food we went to the mall and just walked around. It was nice to just be out and about without the boys! We went back to get the boys and had cake. I had lots of calls from all of my family from far away and it was nice to chat with the ones that I talked to! It was really nice and I had lots of fun!
Yay! Happy birthday! It's nice to see a picture of you, so I can put a face to your name. And that sushi place looks amazing. I am always so scared to order because I don't know what it will look like---ordering by sight seems brilliant.
Looks like you guys had lots of fun! Sorry I am such a lame friend that I didn't even call you! I haven't even gotten on the internet or looked at any blogs for months. Life has been a little crazy. Hapy late birthday to you and Sam, Oh, and to Brad, now too. I just missed his. Sorry. Love you guys. We can't wait to see you!
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