Saturday, August 7, 2010

We're Alive!!!!

So I see it has been almost a year since our last post... Yeah I know I kinda really suck at the whole blog thing but there are a few reasons for the giant gap of posts. First we moved last October to Bellevue. We really love our "new" place and are really glad to not be planing another move this year for sure!! It was our 4th move since we got married so I'm glad to not need to pack this time again this year! About a month after our move our computer died... Yes we have been computerless for just under a year now! It has been hard to not have one but we did get a PS3 for Christmas so we have had limited Internet through that but I wasn't able to blog from it. So now for some catch up..... Sam is now 3 and is one crazy little man. He loves to run and play. He also loves to play the PS3 and the Wii. He seems to be able to run them better than I can. I guess it really is a learning curve that my kids will have from so much younger than I had. He has been fully potty trained for a long time now but we still have not master the nighttime yet. I think that a big part of that is it takes him a long time to get to sleep still at night so I am leery of waking him to pee but we have been working on it more as of late. He is such a smart little man. He knows all of his ABC's and can tell you what they all say and will tell me all the letters he sees. It seems to be rubbing off on Calvin also because he will repeat what Sam says. Sam really loves his little brother and the feeling seems very mutual. Sam is always making sure that we get some for Calvin too when I get them goldfish or fill up their cups. Calvin will be 18 months in a few weeks and is as crazy as his brother. He is running around all the time. He is a really happy little man and is learning new words every day. He loves to talk even if you can't understand a lot of what he says. He loves to play with cars and drives them all around the house. They both love to play monsters and I can hear them roar all the time... In fact a lot of the time that is how I know he is awake from his nap. We love our boys and we have fun everyday with them!!! Brad is still working at Wyndham and we are waiting to hear back about a new "job enrichment" he put in for. He seems to like his job and is really good at it and it has been good to us. Now that we live a lot closer to his work it is nice that he doesn't have to spend so much time in the car everyday. The boys get so excited everyday when he gets home so that they can give daddy loves! He is such a great dad and the three of them love to play together. I have been doing well. As you can see from side I have swallowed another baby seed and are ready for our new little one to come on out any day now. We also are going to have to change the name of the blog because we are getting some PINK in our world. Yep that's right we have a little girl coming! We are all excited about our little girl coming and the boys love to rub my tumming and give her kisses. I also have been working on starting up a business to sell my crochet baby items. I have been mostly just been selling to people at church but now that I have a computer I'm also going to opening an Etsy shop. I really love doing it and I think that what I make is pretty darn cute. I really can't wait to have this little girl to try on all of but last year I started making hats and it has just gone from there! So that is pretty much what we seem all seem to be up to and now I will add a few of the cute pictures from the past year.... Enjoy!!


DeAnna said...

A Girl....Yay for you guys!!!! Glad to here you are alive and

Jamie said...

Welcome back to the blogging world! Your boys are getting so big. Hope all's well in your neck of the woods.

Anne said...

Your on number three! Wow. I am so excited for you guys. Your little boys are so cute and getting SO big.