Monday, September 6, 2010

Little Miss Evalynn

Here she is! Evalynn Marie Martin was born at 2:59am the 5th of September! She weighed in at 6lbs and 8oz and is 18.5 inches long.
Here is how it all went down... My due date was the 10th but with needing to be induced with both boys the dr pretty much thought that this time would be the same so when I went in for my last appointment we pretty much talked about when we could induce (Sept 17 would have been that day because the hospital requires you to be 41 weeks) I left the appointment more than a little sad but at least I had a set date. Saturday seemed to be going just like any other day had. In fact I had some people call to check in for an update for baby progress but at that point I had nothing to report. Around 7pm I started to have a few contractions and by 7:30 I started keeping track of them (in the past once I start keeping track they tended to just fade away) By 9:30 they seemed to be getting closer. Around 10:30 they were averaging about every 5 minutes apart. Brad and I decided that if they got to about 4 apart by midnight we would head in to the hospital. Well by midnight they were at the 4 min mark and I was thinking that I would like an epidural! We got the boys up and in the car and headed over to Brad's parents place to drop off the boys. We then rushed off to the hospital because at that point we were down to 2-3 mins apart. We got to the hospital at 12:50am and they got me all set up in triage to see if this was the real deal. Well they checked me and sure enough I was 7cm dilated.... Yep I said 7! I had never gotten past a 4 without an epidural with both boys so I was pretty shocked! They got us into our room and had everything all set so I got my epidural about 20 mins after we got into our own room. We were all set up by 2:15 and we all thought that we would have about 2 hrs before she was here.... Boy were we wrong. Our nurse went out to get all of the paperwork done up but when she was gone I started to feel a lot of pressure so I told Brad to call her up to let her know... Lucky for us while Brad was looking for the phone she came in and I was like 'I think I need to push' and sure enough I did need to push! They called in the dr while I was trying very hard to not push...Who would have thought that it was harder to not push than it is to just push?! They got all set up in record time and let me push... and then right away I was told to stop pushing because the baby's head was out... Yep it was just that fast! One push and she was out! We didn't even make it to 3am! She is a very sweet little girl and we all love her to bits already! The boys seemed pretty happy when they got to meet her and now that we are all home they have loved giving her kisses. Sam loves to watch her in her bed and tells her in a very sweet voice "It's okay Evie" Calvin seems really happy to point at her and say "Baby!" over and over and they both love to give her kisses and loves! So far she is a pretty good sleeper and has slept for a few good stretches. She is eating well even with me trying to just nurse her. We got out of the hospital around 1 today and are glad to be home. The boys are now in bed and Evie is taking a little snooze. I would have to say I feel really great for just having a baby less than 48hrs ago and we all seem to be doing pretty good at adjusting to a family of five... Lets keep our fingers crossed that it stays that way!


Sorensen said...

Congrats! You are a hero!

Jamie said...

Congrats! Your little girl is a cutie. I'm glad to hear you're doing well. (Still sad you moved away.) Enjoy your angel baby.

DeAnna said...

Congrats!!!!! She is adorable!