Introducing Calvin Thomas Martin!! He was born Monday February 16th 2009 at 7:25 pm. He was 8 lbs and 19 inches long! We went into the hospital Monday morning to be induced. Things went really well. Sam went over to grandma Martins and played with his cousins to wait for the call. Everything went really well. They had me all hooked up and had my Pitiocin started by 10 am. We just had to hurry up and wait then. Things were moving along really well by 3:30 and I got my epidural at 4:30. I told the Dr that now we had about 4 hrs till baby... They didn't really think that would be happening sense I was only 4cm and -3 still. I tried to get some sleep and got a few hrs but woke up at 6:30 sick. They checked me and I was 6cm and his head was a -3 still. Well then the contractions came on hard and fast! I pushed the magic epidural button but it wasn't doing a whole lot so they called the Anistiologist in to give me a top up. After they toped me up I asked them to check me again and low and behold we were 10cm and his head was at a 0. They called the Dr in and told be to go ahead and try a few pushes.. Well we pushed once and they told me to stop because they could see his hair and had to get everything all ready. We called everyone to let them know that we were going to start pushing at 7:15.... Ten mins and 5 pushes later Calvin was here!! He is a great baby!! He loves to just lay quietly and look around him! Brad's family got to the hospital about a half hr later and Sam came around the curtain with a big grin on his face! He was a bit apprehensive about the baby but gave him kisses and was happy... I think he really had more trouble with seeing me in the bed. Everyone got to goo and gaa over Calvin and then we said goodnight to everyone and settled in for the night. Calvin did really well.. He is a good sleeper just like Sam was and is! We got a few 4 hr stretches so that was great! We got to head home yesterday around 6 pm and went and got Sam from grandma's house.. There Calvin got to meet the rest of the family. We are really glade to be home again and getting into some sort of routine. Sam really loves to look at Calvin and give him kisses and hold him... He tries to get down and wants to take Calvin with him.... We will have to keep a close eye on that one!! But they are really cute together!!
Congrats on another sweet baby boy! He is so cute :) You know, the way they come into the world has a lot of similarity to their personalities!! We miss seeing all your happy smiling faces :)
Yeah! Congrats! I am so happy for you four. I hope you are enjoying your new ward. We miss you.
Congrats on another sweet baby boy! He is so cute :) You know, the way they come into the world has a lot of similarity to their personalities!! We miss seeing all your happy smiling faces :)
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