I can't believe it but Calvin is already 9 days old. He is such a sweet baby! At his 2 day Dr. appointment Calvin was 7lbs and 10 oz. And when he was weight yesterday he was 7lbs 12oz so he is almost back up to his birth weight of 8lbs. Here are a few pictures that I took... I guess I'm a little shutter happy... I already have over 150 pics of him ( I love our cannon camera) He is a really good baby. He seems to take after Sam a lot when it comes to sleeping. From the start they love to sleep.. Calvin will sleep for a good 4 hrs and then wake up and eat and go back down for another 4 hrs. I guess it is their way of making it up to me for how little sleep I get at the end of my pregnancies...lol
Sam is doing really well with the baby. Brad and I have dropped in rank. When I went in to get Sam up yesterday I went in and said hi to him and he said "Hi baby!" He loves to hold him and kiss him and poke his eyes... He will also try to calm him down when he is getting his diaper changed and then Sam will take the dirty diaper to the trash for me. Sam is acting a little crazy but I'm not sure how much of that is just the fact that Calvin is here now or if it is that we are all going a bit stir crazy from being home more. The cutest thing is that Sam will try to read Calvin his books. Sam love the book "There's a Monster at the end of this book" and Sam will try to read it to Calvin.... His favorite page is the one that says "Shhhhh" he will put his little finger up to his lips.. It's so cute!
You can never have too many baby pictures, at least that's just what I think! Glad to hear they are getting along. Triston was so helpful at first too, then he kinda went to non helpful and lately he is back to being helpful. He gets into trouble when he counts to 3 and tells Brandi she needs a spankin & then proceeds to attempt to give her one. Or he tries to put her into time out, that one actually works as Brandi has always been great at going to the time out spot when she is in trouble..lol.
I think its the being at home more, it makes anyone crazy!! We are going a little crazy here too, we were all sick last week and this week the weather is back down near -30, icky!!
Calvin is so adorable Amy. Sam sounds like such a cute big brother too. I hope you are healing well and I am glad to hear you are getting lots of sleep. We should get together!
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