Well I'm sure that you have been wondering where the heck we have been!! (WHAT!?!? You haven't been wondering?? Well you should... We are very important people that do very important things....) We still have yet to have Easter and at this point I think we may have to just fake it for the photos for posterity purposes. We still haven't been able to make it over to my mom's for it but we are hopping that we will soon.
I guess one of the reasons that I haven't put up a new post for so long is because I don't like posting without new pictures of the boys (new pictures of me can stay far, far away) and guess what?! I think that Sam threw away our camera charger... We got a nice camera for Christmas the year Sam was born and it needs a spacial charger for the battery. Sam thinks that it is a phone and likes to carry it around and talk to it but it has been missing for over a month now. I have searched high and low and cannot find it anywhere in the house! I think that he may have put it into the Diaper Champ and flipped it into the stench and doom that is the dirty diaper pail and that is somewhere that I will NOT go in! I have tried to take a few pictures with our old (read crappy) camera with little success. But here are the few decent ones I was able to snap. I have ordered a new charger and it is on it's way right now.. I can't wait!! Calvin is getting bigger and was 11lbs and 4oz the last time he was weighed. He is now 2 months old and is getting to be a lot of fun. He is smiling now and will coo at you when he is happy. He really loves Sam and will smile at him all the time. We have been blessed with really happy and content babies! He sleeps anywhere between 7 and 10 hours a night and wakes up and eats and then will sleep for a few more. He is a lot like his big brother! I have been doing really well! We seem to have been able to get into a pretty good rhythm and things are good! We have really been loving the nice weather we have been having! We are able to go out and play. Sam really loves the bubbles so we spend at least a half hour out on the deck blowing them!
We spent today with my Aunt Sandra and Sofie. We went to the beach and had lots of fun! Sam loved throwing rocks and sand but you never knew what way they were going to fly so you had to keep a good look out! I wish we could have gotten some pictures but we all know why that didn't happen! It is always so nice to get to see family! We can't wait to go and visit them some time this summer!
We are heading into our busy time of the year! With May and June comes a lot of things to celebrate. We have Mothers Day and Fathers Day of course but we also have Sam's, Brad's and my birthdays and our wedding anniversary and lots of extended families birthdays too! So this will be a full two months and I'm sure we will have loads of posts so stay tuned!
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