Saturday, October 2, 2010

Two week check-up... well almost four week check-up

We took Evie for her '2 week check-up' yesterday. Yes I know that she is almost 4 weeks... I really suck at getting us in for well baby/well child/OBGY appointments all the time but oh well.... When I took her in at 2 days old she had lost some weight and was down to 5 lbs 14 oz but that was all fine because most nursed babies lose some weight but gain it back. I forgot to call and make her next appointment but we did have the home health nurse come by this past week and when she came we were sad to see that Evie was still at 6lbs and 2.5 oz. This had the HHN a bit freaked but told me to not let the baby go more than 2 hrs between feeding and came back the next day. Well the next day when we put the baby on the scale she was 6lbs 2 oz so we called the dr and set up an appointment to just check her and started her on formula. When we took her to the Dr she was up to 6lbs 4oz so they thought that that was looking better and now we are getting her weighted next week 3 times to make sure we are getting a bit of chubs on her. I wasn't so shocked by this because we had a bit of the same issues with Calvin when I tried to nurse him as a newborn. I really did try to exclusively nurse Evie but I guess I am really one of the few woman that just can't produce enough milk. I really always looked at it as not so much that "breast is best" but more as a "healthy and growing baby is best" and if that means formula and nursing then great! Other then the low weight Evalynn is doing great! She is a pretty calm little girl. She really only tends to cry when she is starving (so most of the time that has been not much crying because she was always eating!) She is really calm and alert. She loves to look around and move her arms and legs. The boys really love her and are always wanting to give her loves and kisses. Yesterday I was cleaning up a spill on the couch and she was laying on the couch and Calvin was standing next to her leaning in and out would kiss her little hand each time he leaned in. It was so cute! Sam loves to come into my bed in the morning and gives her kisses and always is saying "oh she is so cute!" They are both really sweet with her but a lot of the time they need to be reminded to be gentle. Brad when back to work on the 20th and it was hard at first but we have really been working out the bumps of me being really out numbered. In fact I'm even going out with just me and the kids a lot now. It takes a bit more planing but we seem to have getting in and out of the car down to an art now. I even took the three of them to Ikea yesterday (Now that Sam is 3 and potty trained he gets to go in the play place) It was really kinda fun... But the cries of my sweet little girl are calling for me to feed her so that is all for now! We have been a little camera crazy so enjoy!!


Camilla Marie Dinkins said...

She is so beautiful!!! Congratulations!

Jamie said...

Your family is looking so good. Congrats on getting some female company in your house. You're on your way to not being outnumbered. :) Enjoy your angel baby.